Whole school
All on One A4 Sheet: 2016 Draft Performance Descriptors for Mathematics, Reading and Science (KS2)
Performance Descriptors for Reading (KS1), Mathematics (KS1) and Writing (KS1 and 2) also available.
2014-2015 School Assembly Year Planner
The 2014 - 2015 School Year Planner includes the following:
Includes updated links and more than 10 new awareness days
Colour coded dates for awareness days/weeks/months
Key historical dates
Key religious dates
Key assessments dates (SATS, Phonics)
National holidays and more
Each event carries a link to more information
Excellent for planning assemblies
Designed to be printed across two A3 sheets, although also prints well in A4
2012 KS2 SATs Mathematics Test Analysis Tools
Paper and electronic tools to help identify individual needs and cohort needs. Electronic versions are colour coded, and produce a detailed report in both tables and graphs for quick analysis of data. For up to 150 pupils, requires excel 2003 or above.
All on one A4 Sheet: Part 2 of the OFSTED Inspection Handbook from September 2015
All on one A4 Sheet: Part 2 of the OFSTED Inspection Handbook: The evaluation schedule (from September 2015)
Includes judgement guidance and grade descriptors for each of the following sections, each on one A4 sheet:
Overall effectiveness and Leadership and Management sections.
All on One A4 Sheet: DRAFT: 2016 Writing Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessment Performance Descriptors
All on One A4 Sheet: DRAFT: 2016 Writing Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessment Performance Descriptors
2014-2015 Academic Year Wall Planner
Blank version of the school assembly year planner.
2016 KS2 Assessment Analysis Tool
Analyse your KS2 assessments with ease for Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling and Science. Also calculates number and percentage meeting the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined. Can be used for Teacher Assessments and/or Teacher/Test Results.
Automatically calculates attainment using the new National Curriculum language and breaks down the data for the following key groups:
Whole Cohort (up to 125 pupils)
By Class (up to four classes)
Disadvantaged/Non Disadvantaged
Recommended: Excel 2010 onwards with macros enabled.
2016 KS1 Data Analysis Tool
Analyse your KS1 assessments with ease for Reading, Writing, Mathematics and Science.
Automatically calculates attainment using the new National Curriculum language and breaks down the data for the following key groups:
Whole Cohort (up to 125 pupils)
By Class (up to four classes)
Disadvantaged/Non Disadvantaged
Sen/Non SEN
Recommended: Excel 2010 onwards with macros enabled
2016 KS2 Reading Test Electronic Analysis
Produces easy on the eye tables and charts for cohorts and individuals. Broken down into areas of learning and specific question performance.
Up to 400 pupils (works best in Excel 2010 or later with macros enabled)
Versions also available for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling, and also Mathematics:
GPS: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/2016-ks2-grammar-punctuation-and-spelling-test-electronic-analysis-11291706
Maths: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/2016-ks2-mathematics-test-electronic-analysis-11291695
Primary Maths Curriculum (Draft) on One A4 Sheet
New in the popular ‘On One A4 Sheet’ series...
The Primary Mathematics Curriculum (currently in draft - 2012) for years 1 to 6.
Each year group on one A4 sheet.
In colour and black & white.
In response to a review below - there is a final version of this, but it is not on TES - thanks for the positive comments.
All on One A4 Sheet: 2016 Draft Performance Descriptors for Mathematics (KS1) All on One A4 Sheet
Performance Descriptors for Reading (KS1), and Writing (KS1 and 2) also available.
Test Analysis for 2016 KS1 Sample for Reading
Test Analysis for 2016 KS1 Sample for Reading: Up to 550 pupils with individual pupil reporting (works best in Excel 2010 or later with macros enabled).
Banners for Displays - Maths
2 sizes - 19 x 46cm or 9.5 x 23cm.
KS3 Maths New Curriculum Assessment Bookmarks
KS3 Maths New Curriculum Assessment Bookmarks for
- Ratio, proportion and rates of change
- Probability
- Statistics
To support pupils, teachers and parents in learning, target setting and measuring progress.
The Early Learning Goals 2012 All on One A4 Sheet
The new Early Learning Goals (from 1st September 2012) reproduced to fit onto one A4 sheet, in colour and black and white. Includes spaces for checking off each criteria. Feedback welcome.
Times Tables Multuplication/Division Certificates
Multiplication and division for each times tables presented as an award style certificate.
2011 - 2012 Year Planner with Annual Events
2011 - 2012 academic year calendar. Includes religious festivals, events, national holidays and some historical dates. v6 has some national test deadlines added. Designed to be printed on A3, but works well in A4 too. Comes on 2 sheets. This is the final version for the 2011 - 2012 academic year. Useful for planning assemblies etc. Hope its useful! Please leave feedback if you think something is missing or is wrong.
Curriculum 14: Yr 3/4 Writing Assessment Bookmarks
For Year 3/4: These materials are designed to support teaching and setting targets using the programmes of study for English Curriculum 2014. Colour and black and white versions. They are recommended for teacher use, I will be working on child/parent friendly versions in the near future.
Curriculum 14 - Yr 3 Grammar Assessment Bookmarks
For Year 3: These materials are designed to support teaching and setting targets using the programmes of study for English Curriculum 2014. Colour and black and white versions. They are recommended for teacher use, I will be working on child/parent friendly versions in the near future.
2018 KS2 National Curriculum (SATs) Test Analysis for Reading
2018 KS2 National Curriculum (SATs) Test Analysis for Reading
Please see release notes for new features.
Analysis for all tests is available elsewhere on TES or from our website.